The Supers: 3rd Best Super Hero Team in the World!

"Chris Morris does a great job making sure the stories flow smoothly and without too much hang up. Character dynamics are astounding and their interpersonal relationships are easy to see and feel as tangible factors of them and their team..." Sirens of Sequentials review 11/1/18

 This pinup of Starka was done by the amazingly talented Sabtastic!  Follow her adventures with the links below...Sabtastic on Twitter


This pinup of Starka was done by the amazingly talented Sabtastic!  Follow her adventures with the links below...

Sabtastic on Twitter


Starka is from Sweden!

Starka has the ability to change the density of the skin around her right fist, giving her a "knockout punch"

Starka loves social media, especially Twitter and Instagram!

Guest artist Rob Van Overmeeren

Guest artist Rob Van Overmeeren